Toothpaste keeps our teeth clean and shiny, keeps cavities away, and freshens our breath. It also makes sure that you brush your teeth AFTER your morning orange juice. However, did you know that it can come in handy and even save you money in other, rather unusual ways? Your friendly family dentist in Roseville, CA has compiled a great list of top toothpaste uses. Check it out!
Spackle drywall holes

It makes sense when you think about it. Toothpaste is white, sticky, and oddly enough perfect for a quick job at filling in the small drywall holes that you have to take care of in order to get your deposit back!
Unscuff your shoes
We always want our shoes to stay looking fresh. Try using toothpaste to brush those white areas of your kicks to help remove scuffs and blemishes.
Defog your goggles

Using toothpaste on your goggles actually helps remove residue left over from the lens mounting, or the manufacturing process that would allow buildup of fog that can ruin an otherwise delightful swim. Simply use the toothpaste to scrub off the residue, use water to rinse off the toothpaste, and there you have it!
Clean your iron
You know how your iron can sometimes get a little gunky? Use a little bit of toothpaste to scrub the flat part of your iron and remove that nasty buildup to make it good as new!
Buff small scratches from mobile phone screen

Did your new iPhone or Android already get marred with a scratch? You’re in luck! With little dab of toothpaste and a soft cloth or cotton swab, you can buff out small scratches. It’ll make your screen look almost new!
Polish your jewelry
Toothpaste can work just like jewelry cleaner in most cases. Just rub your piece of bling with some toothpaste and a dry cloth to remove any dirt or buildup. You will have your shiny pieces ready to wear in no time.
Shine up your ride

Got some chrome on your motorcycle and want to get it looking shiny and new? Use a paper towel or a soft cloth to rub on some toothpaste, then just see how clean your pipes get after you wash it off.
Clean your sink
Have you ever noticed that when you wipe off a glob of toothpaste that has ended up at the bottom of your sink that it seems to make that spot just a bit cleaner? That’s because you can even use toothpaste to clean your sink! Just some paper towels and some toothpaste will do the trick. Try this on your toilet bowl too!
Save CDs
I know that Cds aren’t really thing these days, but the ones that we do have lying around are pretty important to us! Try using some toothpaste to fix those annoying scratches that can cause your CD to skip. Simply use a soft clean towel and rub the toothpaste over the entire disk in concentric circles and wipe off any remaining paste.
Zit control
Yes, you read that right. You can actually use toothpaste on blemishes before bed to shrink them down by morning.
Who would have thought right? Hopefully some of these useful toothpaste tips will help you out in the future. Let us know if you’ve discovered other ways to use toothpaste to your advantage!
Has all this talk of toothpaste reminded you that you need to schedule your next dental checkup? Call Dr. Vong of Roseville Dental Center for a convenient appointment to care for your smile! Is this your first time visiting us? We offer new dental patient specials.